Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday, May 13

So, a few reminders:

Even though the school year is ending, my high expectations for you are not. I give you my best each day, and I expect that exact same from you. It is my ONLY job to push your mind farther than you think it can go. 8th grade is only six weeks away. You WILL be ready. Keep working hard, and don't let yourself get distracted.

Because of the hard work you showed today, your exam will be moved to Friday. We will continue the fantastic group presentations in class tomorrow.

Here are the things you need to know for your exam:

Shay’s Rebellion

What it was:

Why it’s important:

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation:

Why did we need a new Constitution?:

Bill of Rights:

What is it?

Why is it important?

Key Definitions (we need these memorized):



Popular Sovereignty:

Three Branches of Government:




Great Compromise:

What is it?

New Jersey Plan vs Virginia Plan:

Notes from class today:

Experiments in Government Lesson 10

Unit Review (Prepare for Exam!)

1.Blast From The Social Studies Past: (Since we are reviewing today, we won’t do a bfssp. But, use this time to take out any handouts you have. AND be sure to get a textbook.

2. Objective: SWBAT prepare for their Unit Exam.

3. Daily Definitions: New Homework: Social Studies Super Stimulus (Stimulus means to cause something to act)

What it means: You will get homework questions that ask you to think about what you’ve learned in Social Studies this year. The homework will be due at the beginning of class. Instead of a Blast From the Social Studies Past, we will review our homework.


npujols said...

ms.skrzpychak i studied but i dont know the first part about the shay rebelion

Ms. Skrzypchak said...


I am so proud of you for studying! You'll do great! For Shay's Rebellion, you need to remember a few things. First, Daniel Shay and a bunch of farmers got angry when their land was taken away from them by the State of Massachusetts. (Their land was taken because they did not pay their taxes to the state.) Farmers without land are in a lot of trouble, we know they need the land to plant crops/raise livestock. So, Shay and some other farmers marched to the State Courthouse with weapons. The state of Massachusetts didn't know what to do. They called the Federal Government, and the Federal Government was setup to help them.

This made the country realize that the federal government was NOT as strong as it needed to be.

Summary: Shay's Rebellion showed the United States that a new plan for government was needed.